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Do you want accelerated, measurable, sustainable change in your organization? Would you like to make a massive impact in your community, even bigger than what you have done in the past? Are you looking for the “it” factor to help you get there? I know personally I was and the system, tools and training developed through Character Genetics™ absolutely answer those questions. Are you looking for a solution? Do you want to experience sustainable consistent results personally and professionally? Do you want to be happy? You know what I mean, really happy and fulfilled? Then you want to do the CG Series Reveal™- Respond™ - Resolve™!

You will obtain strategies and tools that the highest achievers in our culture use to create extraordinary lives and extraordinary results in this Reveal™ Workshop.

You will not get a hype or quick emotional fix in working with Character Genetics™. That doesn’t work. If that is what you are looking for, then this may not be for you. Our focus is on you getting true lasting results.

Reveal™ is a transformative and interactive 16 hour executive group coaching experience that reveals obstacles to growth and self-sabotaging mindsets resulting in the ability to respond and resolve personal challenges in order to live up to the fullness of your potential and design as an individual or organization.
You will leave this workshop with a set of powerful tools to help you lead more insightfully and efficiently than ever before. These tools and insights are critical as you go on to Respond™, the follow up workshop and 90 day coaching intensive for those individuals and organizations who chose to Respond to the revelations they begin to uncover.

What you will get: 

  • Two days / 16 hours of transformative and interactive group coaching like you have never experienced.
  • Reveal™ Packet which includes a workbook, pen and assessment
  • Experience the Inducer Transformation System™- your key to permanent shifts and lasting change
  • A deeper understanding of how your choices impact your outcomes
  • Identify patterns of thinking hidden inside yourself that cause failure
  • Grow in the critical leadership skills of focus, self-awareness, personal responsibility, listening, giving and receiving feedback, problem solving, goal setting and follow through, Integrity, courage, making and keeping agreements, more…

This workshop is not a “cure all fix all” It is simply a step in the direction of empowering you to live a life of joy, love, success and abundance. This workshop makes it accessible and easy for everyone to take the first step in self-governing. It is your opportunity to experience Character Genetics™. You can attend a public workshop or host one at your organization.

What will you Reveal? How will you Respond?

Who is it that really loves our workshops, coaching and training? The highest achievers in our culture, currently and up and coming. They are individuals committed to creating extraordinary lives and transformation in their world. That person is you! Let’s uncap your hidden potential, maximize your strengths and take you places you have only dreamed possible…till now!

Permanent Shifts. Lasting Change.